خير زاد في الفلسفة لأولى ثانوي

by خير زاد



Application of Khair Zad in philosophical subjects for the first year of secondary school, by Professor/Yousry Sellal.Mr. Yousry Sellal is the founder of the Nahwa.com network and the owner of the Examine platform.To contact Mr. Yousry Wassal via WhatsApp:00201096263877And through Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/nhwdotcom/Khairzad applications in various educational subjects are all sponsored by Nahwa.com:https://www.alnahw.com/Fantastic possibilities... and competitions with the highest degree of fun and excitement.Note that the student is available before the start of the competition:1 - Select only the branches he desires2 - Then determine the topics he wants in each branch.3 - Determine the number of questions for each competition (10 questions / 20 questions).